being formed.

Creating space

I believe a life of fulfilling work and productive rest awaits those who are loved by God and intentionally make room to hear from Him.

As we do what we can, God, in his grace and perfect timing, slowly transforms us to be a little more like Christ.

I’m on a mission to produce journals with prompts that help people form and practice healthy habits and rhythms. As we become more aware of the presence of our loving Father in every part of our week, we are more rested, feel more joy and live purposeful lives.

Through this process, I’ve spent hours researching a wide variety of topics like discipleship, rest, habit formation, health and human behaviour.

I’m constantly learning… and I thought it would be fun to share what I’ve gleaned so far, so that together, we can discover, learn and share our experiences along the journey of being formed to be like Christ.

come and become part of this
being formed community

receive emails containing a short devotional, a story, a quote and a question to ponder.

consider a different way to live.
living from a rhythm of rest.